In the complex world of finance, it’s easy to become fixated on immediate numbers and lose sight of the bigger picture: What are you working toward, and how can a financial plan help you get there?

We believe thoughtful, detailed planning can help you create a life that you enjoy. Our approach is centered around the idea that your “why” is just as important as the “how”. From our initial meeting, we want to know what truly matters to you. Once we’ve established your goals, we’ll develop a personalized financial plan designed to meet your needs, wants, and lifestyle.

We are working with the team from Ellis Investment Partners, LLC to provide guidance for all aspects of your financial picture. By working together to improve your financial wellness, we aim to have a positive impact on you and your loved ones’ lives.

Ross B. Muldoon, CFP®

Financial Planning and Portfolio Consultant

Ross B. Muldoon is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) with over 17 years of experience in the Registered Investment Advisor industry. Ross specializes in providing investment management and holistic financial planning services for his clients which includes high-net worth individuals, executives, trusts, and retirement plans. As a fiduciary, Ross is passionate about providing peace of mind for his clients by offering innovative solutions to help simplify their often-complex financial lives.

Prior to his transition to a consultant role in 2023, Ross served as the Director of Portfolio Management Operations for Ellis Investment Partners, LLC for over ten years. As such, Ross engaged in all aspects of the investment management process including portfolio construction & management, monitoring asset allocation parameters as well as research & analysis of individual securities, mutual funds, and ETFs. He ensured all systems and platforms within the firm were at the forefront of the industry. In addition to these responsibilities, Ross continued to collaborate closely with his own clients, offering financial planning and investment management services.

Ross is a member of the firm’s investment Committee and sits on the Board of Trustees as a voting member.

Ross and his wife, Kimberly, have been married for over eleven years and have two daughters.


Our Values

Empowering Women’s Financial Journey:

By specializing in working with women, I can provide focused support and guidance to help women overcome unique financial challenges and achieve their long-term goals with confidence.

Bridging the Gender Gap:

Women often face a gender wealth gap and different life circumstances that require tailored financial strategies. My expertise allows me to address these disparities and empower women to build wealth and financial independence.

Advocating for Financial Education:

As a financial advisor for women, I am passionate about promoting financial literacy and empowering women to make informed decisions about their money, fostering a more financially secure future.

Fostering Long-Term Relationships:

By focusing on women clients, I can build strong, lasting relationships based on trust, empathy, and shared goals, enhancing the overall financial planning experience.

Empathy and Support:

My commitment to working with women stems from a genuine desire to support and uplift them throughout their financial journey, helping them gain control over their finances and plan for a prosperous future.

Supporting Life Transitions:

Women often experience significant life transitions like marriage, divorce, career breaks, or widowhood. As their dedicated advisor, I can navigate these moments with them, providing valuable guidance during critical periods.

Promoting Gender Equality:

By working with women, I actively participate in narrowing the gender gap in wealth accumulation and representation within the financial advisory profession.

Creating a Positive Impact:

My commitment to empowering women financially allows me to make a meaningful difference in their lives, fostering a sense of fulfillment and purpose in my advisory practice.